Shakespeare Love Quotes

Shakespeare Love Quotes brings you a selection of quotations about love contained in the Bard's plays which are useful to include in a love letter, sms text message or greetings card to the one you love

In thy youth wast as true a lover,
As ever sighed upon a midnight pillow
As Your Like It Act 2, Scene 4


The hind that would be mated by the lion
Must die for love.
All's Well That Ends Well , Act I, Scene I


Who ever loved that loved not at first sight?
As You Like It - Act 3, Scene 5


The sight of lovers feedeth those in love
As You Like It - Act 3, Scene 4


A young man married is a man that 's marred.
All's Well That Ends Well , Act II, Scene III


I'll make my heaven in a lady's lap
Henry VI Part 3 - Act 3, Scene2

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